7  Dealing with Categorical Data - Practical

7.1 Introduction

Following on from the pre-class reading, this tutorial introduces key concepts and techniques for working with categorical data in sport data analytics.

We’ll cover:

  • encoding methods
  • handling missing data
  • visualising distributions
  • building predictive models

7.2 Load Dataset

First, load the dataset as a dataframe called [cat_data]:


cat_data <- read.csv("https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/oxblp3vmk80s2203a91hf/categorical_data.csv?rlkey=50241qnzexvvmxgkj6gae5mlm&dl=1")

7.3 Defining Categorical Data

What is categorical data?

Categorical data are variables that fall into distinct groups or categories, such as “Sport”, “Gender”, and “League”.

They can either be nominal, with no inherent order, or ordinal, where the categories have a meaningful order.



  • Examine the structure of the data.
  • Identify categorical variables.


# Check the structure of the dataset
'data.frame':   500 obs. of  8 variables:
 $ PlayerID        : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ Sport           : chr  "Football" "Tennis" "Basketball" "Tennis" ...
 $ Gender          : chr  "Female" "Female" "Female" "Female" ...
 $ ExperienceLevel : chr  "Intermediate" "Advanced" "Intermediate" "Beginner" ...
 $ PerformanceScore: int  97 99 73 62 85 78 79 72 71 80 ...
 $ AttendanceRate  : chr  "Moderate" "Moderate" "Moderate" "Low" ...
 $ Region          : chr  "North" "West" "West" "East" ...
 $ Outcome         : chr  "Win" "Lose" "Win" "Win" ...
# Identify categorical variables
categorical_vars <- sapply(cat_data, is.character) | sapply(cat_data, is.factor)
cat("Categorical Variables:", names(cat_data)[categorical_vars])
Categorical Variables: Sport Gender ExperienceLevel AttendanceRate Region Outcome


  • Use str() to review the structure of the dataset.
  • Review which variables are categorical, specifying whether they are nominal or ordinal.

7.4 Encoding Categorical Variables

Why encode categorical variables?

Machine learning algorithms often require numeric inputs, meaning we need to convert categorical data into numerical forms.

Encoding methods such as one-hot encoding and label encoding transform categories into numeric values that models can process.



  • Review one-hot encoding.
  • Apply one-hot encoding to [Sport] and [Gender].
  • Review the new dataset structure.


Loading required package: ggplot2
Loading required package: lattice
# One-hot encoding
dummy_vars <- dummyVars("~ Sport + Gender", data = cat_data)
encoded_data <- predict(dummy_vars, newdata = cat_data)

# Combine encoded data with the original dataset
cat_data_encoded <- cbind(cat_data, encoded_data)
  PlayerID      Sport Gender ExperienceLevel PerformanceScore AttendanceRate
1        1   Football Female    Intermediate               97       Moderate
2        2     Tennis Female        Advanced               99       Moderate
3        3 Basketball Female    Intermediate               73       Moderate
4        4     Tennis Female        Beginner               62            Low
5        5     Hockey Female        Beginner               85       Moderate
6        6   Football Female        Advanced               78            Low
  Region Outcome SportBasketball SportFootball SportHockey SportTennis
1  North     Win               0             1           0           0
2   West    Lose               0             0           0           1
3   West     Win               1             0           0           0
4   East     Win               0             0           0           1
5   West     Win               0             0           1           0
6   East     Win               0             1           0           0
  GenderFemale GenderMale
1            1          0
2            1          0
3            1          0
4            1          0
5            1          0
6            1          0


  • Perform one-hot encoding for the variable [AttendanceRate].
  • Review: what are the benefits and drawbacks of one-hot encoding?
Show solution
# Perform one-hot encoding on AttendanceRate
dummy_vars <- dummyVars("~ AttendanceRate", data = cat_data)
encoded_data <- predict(dummy_vars, newdata = cat_data)

# Add encoded columns to the dataset
cat_data_encoded <- cbind(cat_data, encoded_data)
  PlayerID      Sport Gender ExperienceLevel PerformanceScore AttendanceRate
1        1   Football Female    Intermediate               97       Moderate
2        2     Tennis Female        Advanced               99       Moderate
3        3 Basketball Female    Intermediate               73       Moderate
4        4     Tennis Female        Beginner               62            Low
5        5     Hockey Female        Beginner               85       Moderate
6        6   Football Female        Advanced               78            Low
  Region Outcome AttendanceRateHigh AttendanceRateLow AttendanceRateModerate
1  North     Win                  0                 0                      1
2   West    Lose                  0                 0                      1
3   West     Win                  0                 0                      1
4   East     Win                  0                 1                      0
5   West     Win                  0                 0                      1
6   East     Win                  0                 1                      0

7.5 Handling Missing Categorical Data

Why do we need to handle missing data?

Like other forms of data, missing values in categorical variables can distort analyses and bias our models.

Common methods to address this include mode imputation (filling in missing values with the most frequent category) or creating a new “Missing” category.

Remember, since categorical data has no numerical meaning, we can’t use the median or mean for imputation.



  • Check for missing values.
  • Apply mode imputation to [AttendanceRate].
  • Add a “Missing” category to [ExperienceLevel].


# Check for missing values
        PlayerID            Sport           Gender  ExperienceLevel 
               0                0                0               30 
PerformanceScore   AttendanceRate           Region          Outcome 
               0               50                0                0 
# Mode imputation for AttendanceRate
cat_data$AttendanceRate[is.na(cat_data$AttendanceRate)] <- 
  names(sort(table(cat_data$AttendanceRate), decreasing = TRUE))[1]

# Add a "Missing" category for ExperienceLevel
cat_data$ExperienceLevel[is.na(cat_data$ExperienceLevel)] <- "Missing"

    Advanced     Beginner Intermediate      Missing 
         141          144          185           30 


  • Handle missing data in [Region] by creating a “Missing” category.
  • Compare the proportion of missing values before and after handling.
Show solution
before <- sum(is.na(cat_data$Region))

# Handle missing values in Region by adding a "Missing" category
cat_data$Region[is.na(cat_data$Region)] <- "Missing"

# Compare proportions before and after handling

after <- sum(is.na(cat_data$Region))

cat("Missing values before handling:", before)
Missing values before handling: 0
Show solution
cat("Missing values after handling:", after)
Missing values after handling: 0

7.6 Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) for Categorical Data

Why perform EDA?

EDA helps understand patterns, distributions, and relationships in the data.

In the context of categorical data, frequency tables and cross-tabulations are useful tools for understanding the prevalence of categories and their associations with other variables.



  • Create frequency tables for categorical variables.
  • Perform cross-tabulation to analyse relationships.


# Frequency table for Sport

Basketball   Football     Hockey     Tennis 
       148        209         48         95 
# Cross-tabulation of Sport and Outcome
table(cat_data$Sport, cat_data$Outcome)
             Lose Win
  Basketball   14 134
  Football     10 199
  Hockey       13  35
  Tennis       17  78


  • Generate a frequency table for [Region].
  • Analyse the relationship between [Gender] and [Outcome] using a cross-tabulation.
Show solution
# Frequency table for Region
freq_region <- table(cat_data$Region)

 East North South  West 
  123   127   125   125 
Show solution
# Cross-tabulation of Gender and Outcome
cross_tab <- table(cat_data$Gender, cat_data$Outcome)
         Lose Win
  Female   23 219
  Male     31 227

7.7 Visualising Categorical Data

Why visualise categorical data?

Just like with continuous data, visualisations reveal insights into distributions and relationships within categorical data.

For example, bar charts and stacked bar charts can portray the distribution and relationships of categorical variables.



  • Create a bar chart for [Sport].
  • Add a stacked bar chart for [Sport] and [Outcome].



# Bar chart for Sport
ggplot(cat_data, aes(x = Sport)) +
  geom_bar(fill = "skyblue") +

# Stacked bar chart
ggplot(cat_data, aes(x = Sport, fill = Outcome)) +
  geom_bar(position = "fill") +


  • Create a bar chart for [AttendanceRate].
  • Design a stacked bar chart for [Gender] and [Outcome].
#| code-fold: true
#| code-summary: Show solution


# Bar chart for AttendanceRate
ggplot(cat_data, aes(x = AttendanceRate)) +
  geom_bar(fill = "blue") +

# Stacked bar chart for Gender and Outcome
ggplot(cat_data, aes(x = Gender, fill = Outcome)) +
  geom_bar(position = "fill") +

7.8 Statistical Methods for Categorical Data


Statistical techniques such as logistic regression, Chi-square tests, and measures of association are designed to analyse relationships involving categorical variables:

  • Logistic regression predicts binary outcomes (an outcome with only two levels). It performs a similar function to correlation.
  • Chi-square tests assess the independence of categorical variables. It performs a similar function to tests of difference such as t-tests and ANOVA.



  • Perform a Logistic Regression on [Outcome]: Predict categorical outcomes (lose or win) based on other variables.
  • Perform a Chi-square Test: Assess relationships between [Sport] and [Outcome].

At the moment, we can’t run a logistic regression because the [Outcome] variable is not encoded as binary values (0 and 1), which are required for logistic regression. Logistic regression in R expects the dependent variable to be either numeric (0 and 1) or a factor with exactly two levels.


# First, I need to convert [Outcome] to a factor with levels "Lose" (0) and "Win" (1)

cat_data$Outcome <- factor(cat_data$Outcome, levels = c("Lose", "Win"))

# Logistic regression
log_model <- glm(Outcome ~ Sport + Gender + AttendanceRate, 
                 data = cat_data, family = "binomial")

glm(formula = Outcome ~ Sport + Gender + AttendanceRate, family = "binomial", 
    data = cat_data)

                       Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)              2.1516     0.4418   4.870 1.12e-06 ***
SportFootball            0.7165     0.4299   1.667  0.09556 .  
SportHockey             -1.2651     0.4311  -2.935  0.00334 ** 
SportTennis             -0.7262     0.3895  -1.864  0.06227 .  
GenderMale              -0.2263     0.3002  -0.754  0.45102    
AttendanceRateLow        0.5155     0.4561   1.130  0.25846    
AttendanceRateModerate   0.1936     0.3766   0.514  0.60716    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 342.31  on 499  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 316.44  on 493  degrees of freedom
AIC: 330.44

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5
# Chi-square test
chisq.test(table(cat_data$Sport, cat_data$Outcome))

    Pearson's Chi-squared test

data:  table(cat_data$Sport, cat_data$Outcome)
X-squared = 26.301, df = 3, p-value = 8.249e-06


  • Run logistic regression using [Region] as a predictor and [Outcome] as the outcome variable.
  • Perform a Chi-square test to evaluate differences for [Gender] on the outcome [AttendanceRate].
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# Logistic regression for Region and Outcome
log_model <- glm(Outcome ~ Region, data = cat_data, family = "binomial")

glm(formula = Outcome ~ Region, family = "binomial", data = cat_data)

            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)   2.3206     0.3160   7.344 2.07e-13 ***
RegionNorth  -0.5196     0.4057  -1.281    0.200    
RegionSouth   0.0177     0.4467   0.040    0.968    
RegionWest   -0.2501     0.4246  -0.589    0.556    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 342.31  on 499  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 339.90  on 496  degrees of freedom
AIC: 347.9

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5
Show solution
# Chi-square test for Gender and AttendanceRate
chisq_test <- chisq.test(table(cat_data$Gender, cat_data$AttendanceRate))

    Pearson's Chi-squared test

data:  table(cat_data$Gender, cat_data$AttendanceRate)
X-squared = 0.28328, df = 2, p-value = 0.8679

7.9 Dealing with High Cardinality

Why manage high cardinality?

High cardinality occurs when categorical variables have many unique values.

Strategies like grouping infrequent categories can simplify variables, reduce noise, and improve our model interpretability without sacrificing significant information.



  • Combine infrequent categories in [Region].


cat_data$Region <- as.character(cat_data$Region)
cat_data$Region[cat_data$Region %in% c("North", "South")] <- "North-South"

       East North-South        West 
        123         252         125 


  • Combine rare categories in the [Sport] variable.
  • Review: how might high cardinality impact our modeling.
Show solution
# Combine rare categories in Sport
cat_data$Sport <- as.character(cat_data$Sport)
cat_data$Sport[cat_data$Sport == "Hockey"] <- "Other"

Basketball   Football      Other     Tennis 
       148        209         48         95 

7.10 Interaction Effects


Interaction effects occur when the impact of one categorical variable depends on the level of another.

Including interaction terms in models can capture these relationships, enhancing predictive performance and providing insight into the interplay between variables.



  • Explore interactions between categorical variables [Sport] and [Gender]


# Interaction variable
cat_data$Sport_Gender <- interaction(cat_data$Sport, cat_data$Gender)

Basketball.Female   Football.Female      Other.Female     Tennis.Female 
               66               109                21                46 
  Basketball.Male     Football.Male        Other.Male       Tennis.Male 
               82               100                27                49 


  • Create an interaction variable for [Region] and [AttendanceRate].
  • Analyse the new variable’s distribution.
Show solution
# Create an interaction variable for Region and AttendanceRate
cat_data$Region_Attendance <- interaction(cat_data$Region, cat_data$AttendanceRate)

           East.High     North-South.High            West.High 
                  16                   45                   25 
            East.Low      North-South.Low             West.Low 
                  36                   70                   27 
       East.Moderate North-South.Moderate        West.Moderate 
                  71                  137                   73 

7.11 Sparse Data

What is “sparse data”?

Sparse data refers to categories with very few observations, which can lead to instability in models and analyses.

We can combine sparse categories into broader groups or apply “regularisation” techniques can mitigate these challenges.



  • Identify and resolve sparse categories.


# Combine sparse categories in Gender
cat_data$Gender[cat_data$Gender == "Non-binary"] <- "Other"

Female   Male 
   242    258 


  • Identify sparse categories in [AttendanceRate] and resolve them.
Show solution
# Identify sparse categories in AttendanceRate

    High      Low Moderate 
      86      133      281 
Show solution
# Combine sparse categories
cat_data$AttendanceRate <- as.character(cat_data$AttendanceRate)
cat_data$AttendanceRate[cat_data$AttendanceRate == "Low"] <- "Other"

    High Moderate    Other 
      86      281      133 

7.12 Predictive Models Using Categorical Data Only


Predictive models can use only categorical variables to predict outcomes.



# Logistic regression with categorical variables
cat_model <- glm(Outcome ~ Sport + Gender + Region, data = cat_data, family = "binomial")

glm(formula = Outcome ~ Sport + Gender + Region, family = "binomial", 
    data = cat_data)

                  Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)         2.5212     0.4385   5.750 8.94e-09 ***
SportFootball       0.7120     0.4297   1.657  0.09751 .  
SportOther         -1.2544     0.4313  -2.908  0.00364 ** 
SportTennis        -0.7477     0.3887  -1.924  0.05440 .  
GenderMale         -0.2116     0.2994  -0.707  0.47969    
RegionNorth-South  -0.1971     0.3826  -0.515  0.60642    
RegionWest         -0.1515     0.4374  -0.346  0.72917    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 342.31  on 499  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 317.53  on 493  degrees of freedom
AIC: 331.53

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5

7.13 Predictive Models Using Mixed Data


We can also combine categorical and continuous variables in predictive models to enhance their explanatory and predictive power.


# Logistic regression with mixed variables
mixed_model <- glm(Outcome ~ Sport + Gender + PerformanceScore, 
                   data = cat_data, family = "binomial")

glm(formula = Outcome ~ Sport + Gender + PerformanceScore, family = "binomial", 
    data = cat_data)

                 Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)   
(Intercept)       0.66488    0.84272   0.789  0.43013   
SportFootball     0.73323    0.43097   1.701  0.08888 . 
SportOther       -1.35516    0.43596  -3.108  0.00188 **
SportTennis      -0.71933    0.39130  -1.838  0.06602 . 
GenderMale       -0.14581    0.30287  -0.481  0.63022   
PerformanceScore  0.02290    0.01057   2.166  0.03030 * 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 342.31  on 499  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 312.97  on 494  degrees of freedom
AIC: 324.97

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5